It seems clear from this thread that the Watchtower's leadership may have created a situation that is spiraling out of control. They have devoted so much of their recent Watchtower articles and convention talks demonizing anyone that does not meet their very rigid guidelines. Some examples:
1. Men who are not elders or ministerial servants yet. Maybe they just haven't been chosen or at that Kingdom Hall long enough. Maybe they don't have the time or personally feel qualified. BE SUSPICIOUS. ASK WHY THEY HAVEN'T BEEN CHOSEN. THEY MUST BE WEAK. [Even in war time, not all eligible men were chosen for the draft.]
2. Single mothers without a husband. Unmarried couples who have been dating too long. They must be up to something. They must be engaging in heavy petting or worse. [Some couples enjoy platonic long term relationships. Related brothers and sisters and even cousins might live together in the same house - because they can't afford to leave and go on their own, or must share the care for an elderly or disabled relative.]
3. Single brothers or sisters that come to meetings and even go in service, but do not strive for advancement or stick to themselves. They don't seem to have any friends and are not well-known. Maybe they are homosexual. Maybe they are hiding some horrible secret. [Some people are just very shy or prefer to keep to themselves.]
4. Brothers and sisters who never seem to get it. They are always asking questions or wanting someone to explain the reasons behind a teaching or a policy. They ask questions like "when did this change?" - or "isn't this a contradiction?" They always seem confused? They are like little kids who keep saying "why?" every time you answer their question. They must be apostates, or at least doubters. [Some of us are just curious. We want someone who seems to understand better than we do to explain something clearly, rather than to just respond, "that's just the way it is," or "because we've always done it that way."]
I could go on. But we've all known brothers and sisters like those above. Yes, they might be somewhat different from the norm, but aren't we all in some ways? Should we judge others as being suspect because their actions or personalities don't fit within our own little box? And even then, should we purposely avoid them and shun them because they seem different than what we are used to?
It seems the Watchtower has created a situation that all of those types listed above should raise warning flags to the rank and file as possible troublemakers or apostates. It's like living in Nazi Germany or the USSR - not knowing who to trust, being suspicious of everyone, and reporting anyone who acts outside the norm.